Monday, November 2, 2009

Steam Chocolate Cake

上个星期过得非常充实;先是孩子考试,过后做蛋糕帮外甥庆祝生日(他们妈妈去了旅行),接着孩子们学校在星期一 (2/11/09)庆祝儿童节,学校规定,家长不可以准备零食和汽水让孩子带去学校;对于我来说,这可是一天大喜讯,但就得花一点时间准备一些食物啰!所以总结来说,就是忙,忙,忙。。。。。



装饰方面我用了 Cabruary 巧克力片和 Smarties。

Ingredients :

1 cup coaco powder (sieve)
1 cup castor sugar
1 cup evoparated milk
1 cup condense milk
1 cup butter

11/4 cup flour (sieve)
4 eggs
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 tsp soda bicarbonate

Topping (C)
1/2 cup condense milk
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup coaco powder

Method :

1. mix (A) in a pot, keep stirring under a low flame until sugar dissolved and smooth.

2. set a side until cool, add in (B) and mix well.

3. pour into a greased 9" pan to steam for 50 minutes.

4. mix (C) and double boil until thick (approx. 15 minutes)

5. set aside for 5 minutes before spreading onto the cake.

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